Buy Carbon Credits And Save Environment With Paying.Green®

Carbon offsetting is an initiative that generates funds to be directed to the projects that work to reduce carbon emissions. Companies, instead of reducing their carbon emission, buy carbon credits . Carbon offsetting is one of the ways through which research and development projects do all their research in order to influence carbon emission. Currently, the world is facing numerous climate change issues, such as: Due to excessive carbon emissions, sea levels are rising. Every year, more than 3 mm sea level has been rising for the last century. The world was covered with more than 66 percent forest areas, but a century later, only 37 percent of forest areas remain. Due to extreme carbon emissions, global temperature has been rising rapidly. The world discovered 0.98-degree centigrade excess global temperature as compared to last century. Since humans are not limiting excessive carbon emissions, the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) has been increasing rapidly. The world has wit...